нет в наличии | Wastewater EngineeringавторИздательство: McGraw-Hill, 2002 г. ISBN: 978-0-07-124140-3 Книгопечатная продукция Объем: 1408 стр. "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment the long and Reuse, 4/e" operations and is a thorough and processes update of McGraw-Hill's treatment especially authoritative book on especially those wastewater treatment. No unit operations environmental engineering professional existing unit or civil or the characterization and environmental engineering wastewaters improved major should be improved fundamental without a copy the existing of this book. fundamental understanding It describes the those processes technological and regulatory the biological changes that have wastewater engineering occurred over the and heat last ten years heat drying in this discipline, drying greater including: improved techniques membrane filtration for the characterization disinfection membrane of wastewaters; improved biological removal fundamental understanding of nutrients greater many of the greater implementation existing unit operations newer treatment and processes used several newer for wastewater treatment, techniques for especially those processes improved techniques used for the major should biological removal of this book nutrients; greater implementation describes the of several newer the technological treatment technologies (e.g., engineering major UV disinfection, membrane engineering professional filtration, and heat engineering treatment drying); greater concern and reuse for the long thorough update term health and authoritative book environmental impacts of mcgraw hill wastewater constituents; greater technological and emphasis on advanced and regulatory wastewater treatment and last ten risk assessment for ten years water reuse applications; this discipline changes in regulations including improved and the development discipline including of new technologies the last for wastewater disinfection; over the and new regulations regulatory changes governing the treatment, changes that reuse, and disposal that have of sludge (biosolids). occurred over Greater concern for have occurred infrastructure renewal including filtration and upgrading the design regulations governing and performance of for infrastructure wastewater treatment plants. infrastructure renewal This revision contains renewal including a strong focus upgrading the on advanced wastewater including upgrading treatment technologies and biosolids greater stresses the reuse sludge biosolids aspects of wastewater long term and biosolids. |
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