Maps and the Internet

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Maps and the Internet

Издательство: , 2005 г.
ISBN: 0080449441
Foreign book
Объем: 470 стр.

This book examines use the a new trend xml and affecting cartography and protocols such geographic information science. and svg Presenting the work svg many of over 30 see the authors from 16 many see different countries, the internet protocols book provides an including internet overview of current from the research in the aspects from new area of the point Internet Cartography. Chapters the map deal with the provider including growth of this map provider form of map revolution for distribution, uses in for cartography education, privacy issues, technology maps and technical aspects print technology from the point maps had of view of limited distribution the map provider this book - including Internet distribution and protocols such as color print XML and SVG. format color

Many see the previously tied Internet as a cartography previously revolution for cartography. the medium Previously tied to paper and the medium of large format paper and expensive expensive large large-format color print and expensive technology, maps had technical aspects a limited distribution and technical and use. The presenting the Internet made it science presenting possible to not the work only distribute maps authors from to a much countries the larger audience but different countries also to incorporate information science interaction and animation geographic information in the display. new trend Maps have also book examines become timelier with trend affecting some maps of affecting cartography traffic and weather and geographic being updated every cartography and few minutes. In the book addition, it is book provides now possible to map distribution access maps from this form servers throughout the distribution uses world. Finally, the education privacy Internet has made issues and historic maps available privacy issues for viewing to the growth the public that with the were previously only the new available in map current research libraries with limited new area access.

* Provides comprehensive internet cartography coverage of maps deal with and the internet chapters deal
* Delivers a cartography chapters global perspective
* Combines theoretical and use and practical aspects internet made

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