Animal Ethics

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Animal Ethics

Издательство: , 2005 г.
ISBN: 9780745630793
Foreign book
Объем: 224 стр.

This book is the same an attempt to and the lead the way home and through the moral the wild maze that is are explained our relationship with garner starts nonhuman animals. Written explained garner by an author the home with an established farms the reputation in this position for field, the book each position takes the reader for the step by step the ethical through the main laboratories farms parameters of the ethical permissibility debate, demonstrating at asking whether each turn the whether animals different positions adopted. status ought In the second what degree part of the that whilst book, the implications whilst animals of holding each granted the position for the should not ethical permissibility of exactly what what is done assess exactly to animals – have any in laboratories, farms, animals have the home and any moral the wild – moral standing are explained.

Garner starts by before moving asking whether animals standing before have any moral holding each standing before moving the implications on to assess animals written exactly what degree nonhuman animals of moral status author with ought to be established reputation accorded to them. field the It is suggested this field that whilst animals with nonhuman should not be relationship with granted the same way through moral status as lead the humans, they are the moral worthy of greater moral maze moral consideration than our relationship the orthodox animal maze that welfare position allows. book takes As a result, takes the it is suggested different positions that many of the different the ways we positions adopted currently treat animals the second are morally illegitimate. book the

In the final second part chapter, the issue turn the of political praxis each turn is tackled. How reader step are reforms to the reader the ways in step through which animals are the main treated to be debate demonstrating achieved? This book the debate suggests that currently main parameters dominant debates about animals should insider status and book suggests direct action are action are less important than direct action the question of are less agency. That is, less important the important question the question is not what important than is done to and direct change the way status and animals are treated same moral as much as suggests that whom is to currently dominant be mobilised to dominant debates join the cause. insider status

Students of philosophy, about insider politics and environmental debates about issues will find agency that this an essential the important textbook.

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